Trinidad and Tobago

Name of law: The Freedom of Information Act
First adopted: 1999
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Trinidad's right to information law has several strengths, which results in results in an above-average rating. Strong features include a broad scope, a series of robust provisions relating to initial requests, and a relatively effective promotional mechanism. However, its biggest structural weakness is that, rather than a specialist body, any external appeals against refusals are channelled to the Ombudsman (or the more expensive judiciary). This institution lacks the structural framework to effectively perform this function. The Ombudsman's unease in this role is reinforced by their website, which repeatedly urges users to try and handle matters themselves rather than coming to them with a complaint. Other problems with the law include vague rules surrounding fees and the fact that many exceptions are not harm-tested, nor subject to a public interest override.